Nested json to csv python
Nested json to csv python

nested json to csv python

# Otherwise, explode only takes 1 column at a time.ĭf = df.explode('name').explode('info').explode("Hobby")ĭf = pd.concat([df.reset_index(drop=True), # If you are using pandas >= 1.3.0, df = df.explode()

nested json to csv python

# You just need to flatten the list of dict additionally. import pandas as pdĭf_it = pd.read_json('C:\\Users\\jeri\\Desktop\\1.json', encoding='utf-8', lines=True, chunksize=100000) If you have dictionary inside the list, you need to apply the json_normalize again on the exploded column. When you have list, you need to explode the list that transform the list into rows. Pd.json_normalize flattens the dictionary to columns.

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  • nested json to csv python

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  • nested json to csv python

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  • Nested json to csv python